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How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying 

For this project, we each had to come up with a musical poster design to submit to be chosen for the official poster. The chosen design would be used on the posters, playbills, and cast t-shirts. Park Tudor’s spring musical this year was How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. We watched part of the movie version of the musical in class, and while we watched, we took notes on the story line, imagery, colors, and patterns. Then we made sketches for poster ideas and a Pinterest board with images to inspire us. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying is set in the 60’s, so I tried to give the posters a retro, but not groovy feel. I created all three of my posters on Adobe Illustrator. The poster I submitted was the one with a turquoise background that had office supplies and colorful circles on it. Personally, I would have rather turned in the one with a taxi driving down a brightly colored street in New York City. Unfortunately, because the idea was so last minute, I didn’t finish it in time. I think the hardest part about the assignment was that the title was so long! It was definitely a challenge trying to fit all the required information on the poster, and still have it be aesthetically pleasing. Still, I had a good time working on this project, and I was pleased with all three of my posters.


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