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Magazine Article


For this projet, we had to choose from one of the four articles provided in class. Each article had photos that could be used in the layout. The article had be on a two-page spread, and we needed to use at least two images in our layout. We were required to have at least one "pull quote," which is a quotation from an article used as a piece of art or decorative graphic. My article is about the development of slang words throughout history. It only seemed fitting to use text bubbles with classic slang words and abbreviations as my art. Even though I only have one image, my speech bubbles were counted as a graphic image. I created the text bubbles in Adobe Illusrtator, and formatted the article in Adobe InDesign. This was probably the hardest project we did all semester. It was difficult to come up with a layout that flowed and was easy to read, that was still interesting. It was also difficult trying to come up with images for the article topic I picked. 


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